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Bible Passage field_6010e272fa066
This content is part of a series Salvation, in topic 2021 & .


Date preached June 17, 2021

If you have a copy of God’s word, I want to invite you to join me in the book of Judges.

Once you get there, turn to the 6th chapter, because from there, we’re going to be unpacking the story of Gideon and his great army.

Well, that perspective is completely opposite of what you see in the life of Gideon. Not only did he lack faith in himself, he also, at first, lacked faith in God. Yet, Gideon’s story reveals a man who was able to bounce back from being a man of timid faith to becoming a man of fearless faith.

Gideon’s story covers more than two chapters in the book of Judges, and he is known as the greatest of all the judges of Israel.

When we first meet Gideon, he is hiding wheat from Israel’s enemies. He is timid and he’s scared. Let’s just say, at the beginning of Judges chapter 6, Gideon isn’t the man that we think he is.

At this point in Israel’s story, the children of Israel have crossed the Jordan River and have entered into the Promised L …

In series Salvation