Promoting The Gospel of Jesus Christ
In order to promote the gospel we need to do two things. The first is to stand fast in one spirit, and the second is to strive together with one mind for the faith of the gospel. Let us examine each of these. First, there is the exhortation to stand fast in one spirit. The word ‘spirit’ here may refer to the Holy Spirit, or to just ‘one united spirit’, if seen to be parallel to the next phrase, as ‘one soul’. True unity among Christians is produced by the Holy Spirit, but what is being stressed here is the end result. The main idea is that of the firmness, steadfastness that comes from sharing the same stand, the same resolve, the same purpose and goals.
Why did the Philippians need to stand firm? Because of their adversaries ( v.28) ‘And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.’ They probably had two kinds of adversaries – non-believing Gentiles in Philippi (e.g. the ones who had Paul and Silas thrown in jail – a crooked and perverse nation, Phil 2:15) and the legalistic Jews in their midst who were opposed to Paul’s teaching against legalism. The Philippians faced conflict and suffering (see vv.29-30) and thus, they really needed to be united and stand together in their faith.
If each of them were to face these challenges alone, they might be overwhelmed by their fears and terrified by the intimidation of their adversaries. But if they all united and resolved to face their adversaries together with one common spirit and one common mind, they would be able to do much more. There is strength in unity. Let us therefore resolve now to be united in the cause of promoting the Gospel together. This brings us to the second exhortation:
And so the challenge for us is not only to put in our very best of efforts into the work of promoting the gospel together, but also to sustain that high-quality effort. This idea is brought out in the middle of the verse where Paul says, ‘that whether I come and see you, or else be absent,’ If the Philippians zeal varied according to Paul’s ministry to them, so that they were zealous only when he was present and not when he was absent, then they would not be consistent.
Now let us consider carefully how this applies to us. I think that many of us have grown spiritually here through the patient ministry and influence of certain Christians, whether they are Christian parents, or our Sunday School teachers or Bible study leaders. And while they are with you, it becomes quite natural for you to live according to all that they have taught you from God’s Word. But are you doing all of this because you really have a firm personal desire in your heart to do them? Or does your obedience depend a lot on their presence and influence? What will happen then when you no longer have their presence and influence to support and encourage you? Will you still continue or will you then cease to stand fast and to strive for the Gospel?
Dear friends, the real acid test of your faith comes when you have to stand on your own in the faith. Please be honest to ask yourself now: will you still maintain your efforts to live for Christ when there is no one at all to watch over you? Will you still be standing firm and striving for the faith of the Gospel when you are the only Christian in the company of non-Christian friends or colleagues?
This is the time when you will face the greatest temptation to say: ‘I’m on my own now, far removed from all those who have been a strong influence in my life. They can’t possibly check on me or correct me now. At last, I can now relax and live the way that I want.’ Then as you relax your vigilance, let your guard down, sooner or later you will begin to compromise. I pray that this will not happen to anyone of us here. So let us commit ourselves not only to work more closely together to promote the gospel, but also to sustain a high level of fervency and efforts to live the Gospel. And let us resolve in our hearts today that we will not allow anything at all to hinder or diminish our efforts to live the gospel and promote the gospel.
The exhortation in Philippians 1:27 to strive together for the faith of the gospel. It is interesting to note a progression here. Earlier the Philippians were exhorted to stand fast, and this involves passive resistance. But we notice now that this second exhortation has an active character. There is advancing movement.
The word for ‘striving together’ is derived from the word for athletics, with a prefix that indicates teamwork, like a relay race. Everyone in a relay has to put in his or her best to work together with the others who are on the same team. In fact in the only other instance where this verb for ‘striving together’ is used in the New Testament, we see this quite clearly – Philippians 4:3 ‘And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellow labourers, whose names are in the book of life.’
And when each of us who are involved is doing our best to fulfil the responsibilities that are given to us, then the work of promoting the gospel gets done well. One challenge that I would like to give to each of you therefore is put in your very best efforts in the work and ministry of Horemow! Please do not let anything discourage your good efforts, but just keep pressing onward and upward. Let all of us strive to work together as a team more than ever before. And if you are not yet involved in any ministry or area of service in Horemow, let me urge you to get involved now. If every member will do his or her part, the gospel of Christ will make tremendous advancements.
And this must be done not only for the present time, but all the time. You must have consistency. Some people resolve to labour together well, and they succeed very well at first. But after some time, as the excitement dies down, they cool off and drop out of the work!